December 25, 2009

Buono Feste...Buono Natal tutti.....Happy Christmas to you all

Friday 25th December09
Hey there everyone and Beuono Natal to you all from Italy!
We’ve had our Midnight mass last night at a hardcore Catholic church. (That’s something you must do at least once in your lifetime, if you not already so inclined. Could only pick the occasional word in Italian but understood it all…pretty awesome that Signor Jesu.
So we were home from that by 1am and then up and about at 8am, the flurry of gift giving…the scratch together breakfast…the chocolate! Why not!!!
At the moment Brad is sleeping, he thinks he may have bought back the Spanish flu from their visit to Spain last week. Trish and Judy are cooking a roast at Eva’s Place (Eva is away in Paris for Christmas and kindly loaned us her home for Christmas day…our little villa is very Spartan in its cooking facilities) And Russell and I have the oven going here with the fattest chook I’ve seen in a long time. That and Trish’s slow roast pork and Russell’s awesome Roast veggie platter with rosemary; and Beans with tomato salsa and we have a feast fit for….well …fit for 5 little homesick aussies in Italy.
Spoke to our boys and have texted our families (Please understand the cost of a call is insane) and now we have to see if what time is Vino time. We fill our water bottles from the town fountain as the locals do and on the way back our neighbour thought that Russ had no Vino for Natal so went into his cellar and bought out two bottles of home bottled Vino Rosa…God help us! I’ve already got a ripper stomach upset and I think my blood just runs pure Gaviscon now.
The airports have cleared north of us so all systems go to fly out of Milan on the 28th Dec. We leave here tomorrow morning to Rome, then Bullet train to Milan…just incredible! We have one full day there to look about before on board Singapore Airlines and back to Singapore for a little sightseeing and shopping.
So happy Christmas to you all
God Bless
Linda X
PS will get Russell to add some more later, he’s so hilarious.

A pic emailed from Ben of our darlings and their Christmas eve feast...check out Alex's hair!!!

1 comment:

margie said...

happy chrissy folks a nice cool humid day in bli bli...not too bad really boxing day too is over with 22 for dinner great day lots of pressy and paper flying every where..sunday now and we are getting ready for riverwalk...will be good to see every one..
thought of you all in your italian hide a way...we will have lots to talk about it has gone so fast...sendin love to you both