December 6, 2009

Friday 4th

Friday the 4th December

From the desk of Rusilio

Rain all day in Napoli, so running around the ancient ruins of Pompeii was not an option so we spent the day wandering the markets and touring the sights.
Went on the bus, which is an experience in itself, 100 people on a 30 seat bus, windows all steamed, up raining like cats and dogs and us unable to see any landmarks to give us an indication of where were. We did manage to find a great part on town with lots of big buildings with statues and columns and such (these Italians really like columns for some reason). Right on the harbor we found a really spectacular castle which also had its own museum, great place for a rainy day. Took lots of pictures as you will see and ended up on a tour of the high tower with some American Italians who translated for us, absolutely fantastic.
And may I say the gelati in Naples is as good as their pizza.
Sitting in our room, watching an old Sophia Loren movie after eating 4 different types of pizza product for dinner. Linda seems to be able to follow the film even without sub titles, but most fun is watching the adverts, bloody hilarious, most seem to be made by the local year 9 classes with a hand held camera and laptop…

This week end is a big holiday in Napoli, apparently this is the weekend many years ago that the Virgin Mary had her immaculate conception, I don’t mean to be picky but where did those records get found? Did she keep a diary and put it with the Dead Sea scrolls?
Anyway because of this we could only get 2 nights at the place we are staying , and every where else was full, but luck for the boombah’s held up and we managed to be able to transfer to another place so we can stay a little longer and see Pompeii as planned.

And one more thing…. What is it with the Italians and milk? You can’t seem to get a little cold milk when you want it. This morning at breakfast Linda and I wanted cereal, I filled the bowls with cereal and couldn’t find the milk, the hyperactive waitress ran off with the bowls when I asked for a LITTLE Latte and came back with our bowls filled to the brim with hot frothy milk, so as not to offend we had hot milk muesli milkshakes, not bad actually..
Until next time

1 comment:

margie said...

pompeii was bernie pick on our trip...he loved it..i was partial to the little stall out side of he loved it x